Hello all, I am Whiskers, the Whisky of WTF. Thanks to T and F for allowing me space to vent my frustrations, albeit under certain restrictions (i.e. Never post anything Big Brother doesn’t like). Fine, I’ll just post stuff that Big Brother doesn’t understand, then
For my first trick, I offer a list of things that I consider weird about Malaysians. Everyone is invited to add to the list through the comments form and I’ll edit it in to this post. Drum roll please…
1. No one likes speeches, but everyone pretends to.
Come on… you can’t honestly believe that after the MC gives his speech, and the manager gives his, and the managing director gives his and the CEO gives his, that anyone actually remembers, or cares about what they say. Speechitis is such a Malaysian thing. But, I;m proud to say that at least our grand leader makes his feelings on the issue very clear. Boring! He sleeps through most of them. How dare those opposing him accuse him of being lazy! Get the message! Cease the speeches!
2. Prices can go up, but cholesterol doesn’t go down
Okay, petrol, flour, water and power keep increasing in price. But notice how we seem to keep eating the same amount? Whiskers Tango Foxtrot??? Heed da Boss! Change your lifestyle to match the money we’re taking away from you!
3. Cyborgs Attack!
Try this test. Leave your handphone, your i-stuff, your bluteeth, your laptop, etc AT HOME and ask yourself if you’ll die within 24 hours. Still alive? Congratulations. You’re now the only human among Borgs. Please-lah, many Americans still have handphones with no sms functions. And why? Oh why? Do you have to immediately answer that sms??? It’s not a bloody phone call. The sender obviously didn’t respect you enough to drop you a line. Reply to it after 24 hours. If you can’t do this, then, sit down, Borg!
Okay, braindead now. I’ll add to this list after I reboot, or when you guys give me ideas.
Whiskers over and out!
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