Friday 30 November 2007

Whiskers for all seasons

When Tango and Foxtrot invited me to blog here, some of the things they asked was, if I was currently blogging. And I said yes. I blog about one of my passions, which is Silat. I suppose it’s one of those things that friends who didn’t accompany me on that particular phase of my life find perplexing.

I didn’t accompany Tango and Foxtrot on their F1 phase nor their tech binge, so I find myself scratching my head when they talk about these two subjects. Happily, though, they find it equally confusing on their part when I open my yap about my passions. It’s usually a conversation killer :)

I told Foxtrot a couple of days ago when we met for lunch (hey, both of us are married, so, it’s not a sign of desperation, just an act of male bonding), I feel like a girl when the two of them talk about F1. Specifically, I can’t understand what makes a man spend that much money to watch a car appear for half a second in front of you and speed off again, only to come back several minutes later.

His defence? “We watch it on TV”.

Fiiiine. I suppose I’ve riled up the feathers of many F1 fans here, but the point is this. I’m gonna blog about what I like, so you guys better be prepared. :)

If you can take more of my madness, then check out my blog in the blogroll. If not, then my posts here will be far more sedate, and, at least, funnier.

The original trio was supposed to be Whisky, Tango and Foxtrot, but I’ve chosen Whiskers to represent myself. Reason? I’m a teetotaller, teetertally, tito… I don’t drink. So, I wouldn’t want to represent myself in any way that can make my kids question me later on.

Sort of like Angelina Jolie saying, she won’t let her kids watch Beowulf because she’s made to appear nekkid there. Er… Ms Jolie… I can recall at least 7 other movies I’d ban them from watching. (Mommy, you made out with Zorro???)

But, if there was one hot mom, she’s definitely it.

So, thanks for the welcome, if there’s anyone out there actually reading. And, if you’re cute, single, female, legal and needy, you know where to find me. Right here.

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